Saturday, January 22, 2011

Secondary School

I guess I have not been blogging for a while, well I got in to Hai Sing Catholic School in case you guys did not know. Ask if I`m happy there, yes, of course. I am really enjoying my three weeks of school, its awesome, totally awesome. Secondary school rocks....haha.. you might think that I`m crazy, but its true.

Even then, I still miss Primary School, it might not have as many cool things as Secondary School, but I still miss the atmosphere, miss my friends, miss my teachers, miss the food, miss everything in it.

Everyday, when I go back home, I would make a point to always go in front if my school and stare at it for a good ten minutes, to refresh all the memories that I have, all the great and fun things that I did, how bombastic I was when I was such a puny and petite seven year old I was when I first entered the school.

I would also remember my teachers, how they have patiently and AMAZINGLY taught us all the different subjects. I still cant imagine how Miss Chia and Mdm Siti Mariam is not teaching me in class nut a different teacher.

Well I dont know how all you guys feel, but all you P6s of Changat Primary School 2010, leave me a comment about how you feel? I honestly Primary School really plats a big part in being who we are today....... :)