Saturday, November 20, 2010

6 years just past by.... -.-..haiz..

6 years of education just pass by like that, in a swoosh. Primary school is one of the most enjoyable things in my life so far. I made friends that have different personalities and they were all special in their own ways. I also have been taught by different teachers through my primary school life, some I felt some were good teachers and some I felt were not good enough as the other stories.

Primary School has let me develop some of the "characteristics" that I would never imagine having, like playing soccer for example. I suddenly been giving a chance to be a leader. It was not really that exciting at first but I got used to it later and become quite happy that I was appointed one. I learn to differentiate between right and wrong correctly better that I used to last time.

I also learned to differentiate between a good friend and a bad friend. Through his or her actions and not by how he or she looks. It was once said to never judge a book by its cover. I find this phrase very meaningful. It does not mean that even though that you are fat means that you are mischievous and it does not mean that when a person looks good means that that person has good values in he or she.

Out of my six years of primary school, I found the last two years of education the most enjoyable as I am one of the seniors and i get to do more interesting things like go to the P5camp and go to the tea chapter, the list is too long for me to mention. Sadly, that list cannot be endless as Primary school has ended for me. Once again...haiz......

I have to thank these few teacher that I would never forget, Ms Lo, Ms Ha, Miss Seet, Miss Seah, Mr Lim, Mdm Ong, Mdm Siti Mariam and last but not least Ms Chia. These teachers are ones that I would forget as they have been the ones that REALLY helping me and supporting me through these six years.

Teachers and friends who read this blog post I am sorry for what I did wrong for the past six years, will you please forgive me.

I have graduated from Changkat Primary School as a learner with passion and a citizen of honour. I believed I have seized my day. Carpe Diem!

Friday, October 22, 2010

PSLE is FINALLY over........

Well, I guess PSLE is over, finally over. Most P6 pupils I presume would be playing computer & doing their own stuff. For me, I guess I would continue reading and playing soccer for leisure.I would be even making PIZZA.I actually at a loss of words when I talk to people nowadays.( Guess I should start reading more)

I personally we should thank Miss Chia & Mdm Siti for putting in lots and lots of effort in teaching us many skills and strategies for our PSLE. I really sense that sometimes we DO take them for granted and that really make them feel bad.

Anyways I really counting down my days in Changat. I am excited to go into a Secondary school next year but I am really gonna be so sad when I leave this school as I have shared many memories here and have made alot of friends here. I really hope that the last few days in Changkat Primary School would be really really enjoyable.....................haha

Friday, September 10, 2010

Adding on

Well, to add on to my last post, I recently heard of another guy that was on a talent show. He was playing the piano, you must thinking that anyone could play the piano. But did you if anyone could play the piano without any hands but with his feet. Watch the video below.

Well, unlike George Sampson, he did not win, but he did something that really touched my heart. I learned from him the value of resilience, that even without a body part as long as you believe that you can do anything and with hard work, anything is possible.

Friday, September 3, 2010

As predicted, you would definitely play the video that I have uploaded.Hey guys, remember when we were at the Adam Khoo Booster programme, we learned a lot from that particular session but what struck me the most was when YY showed us all a video(the one on top) about a boy name George Sampson.
He was like any other 14 year old in Britain. But there was something about him that I felt that was special. He had a dream, a dream that he was willing to fulfill and that it might change his life forever.
George had been dancing on the street for a few years just to earn some money for his
dancing class and for petrol so that his mom could drive him around.I felt that he is
mature and it is nice to see that there are kids out there that are willing to work for their passion.
George was a great and a magnificent dancer and there were obviously people that would admire his talent. His street friends asked him to go and enter Britain`s got talent. He rejected it at first but later decided to do it as he needed the money for a better life for his mother.
He danced brilliantly through the first round but sadly could not make it through the second. But that did not bring him down. He mustered some courage, practice dancing more and more and entered the contest again the following year.
This time he danced even better with even quicker moves which was described by Simon Cowell as a phenomenon. he made his way through the two rounds and before he knew it, the finals which he won.
(The performance)

(The results)

Well the bottom line is that you must always believe in yourself in whatever that you do in your life. Like George, he believed so he won. So if you believe and work hard for your PSLE, i am sure that you would do well.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oral Picture: At the road side Setting: The road side

This picture depicts a scene at the road side, there are some people crossing the road to the next pavement while some people are driving on the road safely. There are students making their way to school and some are riding their bicycles on the road.
Scenario 1 – Normal
There is a young girl crossing the road safely when the green man appeared on the traffic light. There is a wide smile spread across her face. She is also holding the hand of an older lady who is walking with a walking stick. The driver stopping his car next to them seems to be quite happy too.
Personal Response
Personally, I feel that we need to abide by the safety rules when crossing the road so that we can ensure the safety of ourselves or others around us. If we are twelve years and below, we should always hold the hands of an older adult so as to make sure we are taken care of properly.
If we do not abide by the safety rules when we cross the road, we might just get knocked down by any passing vehicle and sustain severe injuries. That would really cause a great commotion.
Scenario 2 – Wrong & Consequence
There is a girl crossing the road. It seems that she had drooped one of her books and has reached down to take it. She seems totally petrified when she saw a young looking boy wearing a striped t-shirt riding his bicycle towards her direction.
Personal Response
In my opinion, I feel that the boy riding the bicycle is wrong as the traffic light specifically showed the red man but he continued to ride his bicycle at a high speed.
He should have spared a thought for the people crossing the road. He basically should have some consideration. Take this girl for instance. If he had knocked into the girl, she would have gotten into an accident and suffer many serious injuries.
If I was that inconsiderate boy, I would slow down at least five metres before the traffic light to ensure that I do not bang into pedestrian crossing the road.
When we are crossing then road, we must learn to abide by the rules and spare a thought for the feeling of others so as to ensure the safety of ourselves and to make Singapore a safe country to be in.

Oral Picture: In the classroom Setting: the classroom

This picture depicts a scene in a classroom, it appears to me that the teacher is happily teaching the class about parachuting. There is story book with a picture of a man parachuting beside her on a stand. Most of her students are listening attentively about interesting facts in parachuting.
Scenario 1 – Wrong & Consequence
There are two boys that are not listening to the teacher. Apparently, they are playing a game of tug and war with a storybook which they both want to read. A student beside her saw what happened and raised her hand up to alert the teacher.
Personal Response
I personally feel what the two boys is doing is wrong as they are not giving respect to the teacher presenting. I fell that they are very rude towards the teacher.
They should be listening to the teacher like the rest of the students. They should also learn to give way to one another and to share so that it would prevent fighting between them.
I feel that what the student beside them is doing is correct as I think the teacher was too engrossed about teaching the other students that she had forgotten about the two mischievous boys. When we see someone doing wrong in the class we must always remember to alert the teacher.
When we are in the classroom, we must learn to respect the teacher and not to play a fool in class.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blogging again..........

I basically have not blogged for a while, so I am doing it today. My weekends were very fun.On Saturday, I went to Safra resort to have a meal with my aunt and uncles cousins and my family.

We arrived at the place at around 6pm. Before anybody came, I was smsing for along period of time.( Very rude) I was totally famished and very eager to eat the food that was coming but I knew that I had to wait for the others first.

My aunty and uncle were the first to arrive, they discussed and ordered the food with my parents. When I heard the words crag and fried rice, I burst out in joy as they were one of my favourite dishes.

My cousins came soon after and we started chatting and chatting. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we did not even realised that the food has arrived. I wolfed down the hunger antidotes and then continued talking about recent events.

Time passed fast and we all gathered at my house. We then went into seperate cars and drove to our destination.The adults all gathered to the basement and continued to chat while watching television.Soon enough, it was close to mid night and we all gathered to our home sweet home.

The next day,I went to church in the morning as usual. I went home for lunch and did my homework for three hours. At six pm, we went to meet my mother`s side of the family at a restraunt called mushroom pot for dinner.

The food there was simply delicious, we finished it in no time. After we thanked each othyer for the wonderful time we had, we all spit up went to our home sweet home.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The missing basketball medal

Everyone gathered around me with eager eyes. They all wanted to know who stole the medal. Before the truth was revealed, the school gardener stepped into the library, he was soaked from the heavy rain that led him to be in an extremely bad mood.
“Mrs Tan, what is your basketball medal doing in the koi pond?” he groaned as he took a shiny and familiar medal out of his rubbish bag.
“Someone one must have placed the medal there, it is certainly one of these children, Alan, Chris or Jane. Thank you for finding the medal, Mr Loh,” Mrs Tan quipped as she grabbed the basketball medal from Mr Loh.
Mr Loh, who simply did not care, walked out of the library. “Who was that person who took the medal? It must be you Jane, your uniform is all wet, you must have been caught in the rain while trying to hide the basketball medal!”Sean bellowed at Jane, his arms crossed.
I was simply disgusted at Sean`s impulsivity. How could he blame Jane without having any evidence? I then explained to the rest that I had earlier been to the koi pond with Sean, I commented to him that that the paint that decorated the coloured pebbles was of inferior quality as the colour was running. The culprit must have had some paint on their bodies.
All eyes fell on each other and soon after, everybody`s eyes seemed to have fallen on Mrs Tan as she had paint on her sleeves and the side of her shoes. That paint on her was coincidentally of the same colour as the coloured pebbles. Sean, as usual, jumped into conclusion, saying that Mrs Tan was the thief.
“Mrs Tan, can you please explained how the side of your shoes and the sleeves of your shirt has paint that were the same that decorated the pebbles at the koi pond?” I asked politely.
There was not a single word that came out of Mrs Tan`s mouth, but the others had something to say.
“Mrs Tan must not have done it, she is a teacher, “Alan whispered softly, trying to defend Mrs Tan.
“Mrs Tan must have done it! She should be ashamed of herself, she should be the one in detention, not me!” Chris bellowed
“Come on guys, I agree with Alan. Mrs Tan is a teacher and besides, she has the basketball medal to herself everyday in the library, why would she need it at all? Am I right Mrs Tan?” Jane quipped.
“Mrs Tan, was it for Peter?” I asked, hoping for an answer. Everyone gathered around me once again, wondering who Peter was. I then explained that Peter, who was Mrs Tan`s son was my neighbours. Peter had a strong passion for basketball, he would practise every day and he became so good. So good that he represented White Sands Primary school in basketball and reached the finals of league, the opposing team was our school and we all know that they lost.
To make matters worse, he later discovered he had cancer and could not play basketball anymore. That totally shattered his dreams of being a professional basketball player.
Mrs Tan lips quivered, her eyes turned red, knees became wobbly and collapsed onto the chair. As tears slowly streamed down her cheeks, she let out a scream, “Yes, I admit, I was the one who took the basketball medal and hid it in the koi pond! Ali, you were right, it was the only way to honour my dying son`s last wish! He wished that he could just touch the shiny surface of that medal. I planned my theft and when the school was empty, I hid the basketball medal into the koi pond and ran back to the library. The rest you all know. I am so sorry you three, I should not have misused my power over you.”
There was a complete silence for a whole minute. Jane then put her arms over the tearing Mrs Tan. Chris and Sean were totally unsympathetic, Alan just wanted to go home while I went over with Jane and console Mrs Tan
Mrs Tan then told everyone that she knew she had done something wrong. She said she needed to inform the principal/.She collected her heavy body with her remaining energy and quietly left the library.
Mrs Tan was not seen on the next few days of school. Nobody knew or breathe a word about this incident. Obituary than reported that peter died. We attended the funeral where we met Mrs Tan. She seemed well but full of grief after the death of her precious son.
She explained that the principal told her to take few days of leave. She would be going back to school soon.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Secret Passage 2 ( Draft 1)

“Oh darn, the door is locked, now we would never be able to open the secret door and enter,” I groaned in disappointment as I walked down the wooden stairs. John and Mary were disappointed too, they had finally found the mythical “House of Secrets” and were so close to getting in the secret room.
“Wait just a minute! I suddenly remembered that Miss Pin, our babysitter used to dance for me when I am bored, she said that it could open a secret door to some secret house. I used to think she was just telling me a story although come to think of it, she does look quite bothered about the happenings in this House of Secret , “I exclaimed in excitement, suddenly remembering Ms Pin’s pained look.
Mary and John stared at me in disbelief, but as soon as I started doing the “weird dance”, the door creaked opened slowly. We entered the room and to our astonishment, we saw a bunch of what seemed to us scrawny and undernourished children, hunched and carrying bags and bags of cockles and seashells. Each one of them was standing in a queue which led to two burly men.
Mary squinted his eyes and gasped in horror, “Hey Ben and John, those are the men that sold cockles to the fish shop and sometimes handmade jewelry which earned them quite a lot of money , I heard that they were frequent customers who where tourists that were keen to purchase these handmade jewelry.”
“I think that those men must have forced these children to pick up bags and bags of cockles, slaves drive them to make these jewelry to sell. Its child labour and definitely illegal,” John whispered desperately.
As we tried to creep out of the secret room, one of the kidnappers caught us leaving. “Hey Nubs, intruders!!!! Don`t let them get away!” a kidnapper shouted in horror with his fingers pointing us.
We tried to run as fast as we could but to no avail, Nubs caught up and tied the three of us up together. Soon the other kidnapper, Nabu, stepped in front of us and commanded, “The three of you are trespassers and would have to die but I would spare you on one condition. You would work for me by collecting cockles.”
The two men then untied us and took us to a work table with other children to start making some necklaces out of seashells and cockles. Personally, I enjoyed collecting cockles and making them into stuff like jewelry, but doing this illegal trade for Nubs and Nabu were terrible for me. Mary and John did not enjoy it too as their scowl faces reflected that they were not happy.
As soon as we gather a bag each, we returned to the long queue in the secret room. I decided to communicate to the child in front of me in the queue. I found out that his name was Joseph and that he had been working for Nubs and Nabu for five years so far, he had tried to escape many times and Nuns and Nabu had no choice but to amputate his leg. He is now on wheelchair which makes it harder for Joseph to move and so his main job is just to string the cockles and seashells to the strings to make necklaces.
Joseph then explained that there was a secret door that had no handle on the inside but there was a handle on the outside. The only way that Nubs and Nabu could go through the door was through some series of mysterious and rhythmic knocks that Joseph could not figure out.
Out of a sudden, I recalled that Miss Pin used to do some knocks and in taps with her hands when she cajoled me to bed. She used to tell me that these are “freeing taps” on for a door with no locks and knobs. All this is making sense to me now. If the weird dance worked for us in the cellar, I might be able to open the secret door without any handle.
As we got nearer and nearer to the Nubs in the queue, we four thought of a way to escape. Being quick witted, Joseph told us that before the kids go to bed, Nubs and Nabu would take bottles wine and drugged the kidnapped children. Within seconds, they would fall fast asleep. The wine can be used to drug Nubs and Nabu. They discussed their plan.
Their plan was activated when, John was already at the front of the queue purposely dropped his bag of cockles, causing Nubs and Nabu to divert their attention to him. John and I sneaked to the wine cellar to grab a few bottles of the “drugging” wine as directed by Joseph who knew exactly where they were kept.
As soon as John retrieved all the cockles, Mary and I had returned. That night upon Joseph’s direction, we laced Nabu and Nubs favorite drink and within seconds they fell asleep. I hurried to the door without handles and tapped the familiar knocks and tappings I knew so well and within seconds, the door opened! There was time to lead the children out one by one instructing them firmly not to make any noise. John carried Joseph and we ran for freedom.
We went to the nearest police station after informing our Aunt Mabel. She was absolutely shocked that something so bizarre could happen in the house just next to hers. We led the policemen to the despicable place. Nubs and Nabu were arrested immediately..
That very night, I called Miss Pin to tell her about what happened to them that day. I was shocked to find out that Miss Pin was once a victim of Nubs any Nabu and she has much to tell as she would be travelling to see us as a key witness to assist the police. Needless to say, this holocaust of a discovery made headlines and we can never imagine that this stay at Aunt Mabel`s turned out to be one of those horror stories that we read from books.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The date today was on the 26 May 2010.Anyway, It did not start of very well for me as I vomited that morning and trust me, It is a bad feeling.I mean, I only reached the school for a simple ten minutes and then I vomited.
I quickly ran to the toilet as fast as i could and apparently Mdm Siti assigned Zhen Jie from 6A to help me.After the dreadful moment of vomiting and coughing out flam in the toilet, I went back to the hall and by then the hall was packed with students.
That morning, Mr Phua was giving a talk on Michael Phelps, I felt that it was very meaningful as I learned that just like Michael Phelps, we have to go through some struggles to achieve or even smell success.
Now this was the moment I was disappointed about. There was no P.E.I was soooooooooooooooo sad as it was one of my favourite periods just to see that it was cancelled.
At this point of time, I really wish that that whenver we are able to have P.E. It would not be cancelled.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Zero tolerance for cyber-bullies

1)State News Type: Cyber wellness

2)Write a few sentences about what the article is about

This article is about the number of cyber bullies that was increasing and that now the tolerance has gone down to zero. The article shows some of the people that was victims and apparently they could not identify any of the cyber bullies. Even with the police`s help, nothing could be done.The article is also talking about the ways or solution that could make this offence be put on hold.

3)My opinion

I feel that the cyber bullies can be really cruel. I could not believe that there were be such a person that would spam their victims on Friendster with sexually offensive messages. Apparently, there are and that they are very inconsiderate.

I feel that when any person is online, we should be careful with what we do. Whenever we do such bad or gruesome things to a person, we should spare a thought to the person. What might the people feel ? Will he or she would feel embarrassed? Would he or she feel any discomfort ?All this questions must pop up in our minds when we are on the net.

Tan Wei Zhen said that to be effective, laws should be less about wait-and -see, and more about being pre-emptive. We cannot just sit back and watch all the cyber bullies 'prey' on their victims.
I totally agree , I feel that if the authorities do not take charge, the number of cyber bullying can occur more often, that would be very awful.

4)If you have the power to influence or control the situation, describe what you will do.

If I was the goverment, I would create a software that would apply to any computer when on the web. This software would allow me to identify whoever that is typing or saying bad things on the internet.

5)List new words and find their meanings.
  • Advent


-The arrival of an event, invention or person.

  • Legislation


-a law or set of laws suggested by a goverment and made official by a parliament

  • Castigated


- To critisize someone or something severely

  • Fatalities


-A death caused by an accident or by violence, or someone who has died in either ways

6)List the phrases and understand their meanings and applications

  • Butt of jokes

- creating a joke at the expense of someone

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oral Picture: Eating at the Hawker Centre Setting: Hawker Centre

This picture depicts a scene depicts a scene of a hawker centre. There are shops that sell prawn noodles and chicken rice.
Scenario 1 – Normal
a) Describe what I see in the picture
There is a lady ordering some food from the chicken rice.
b) Personal Response
I feel that the chicken rice or the food that they sell seems to be very delicious.
(i) Comment on his action (Inferring)
From what I said in my personal response, the reason that I said that the food there seems to taste good as there is a wide smile spread across the customers.
Scenario 2 – Cause and effect
a) Describe what I see in the picture
A man who was serving drinks accidentally bangs into a table and spilled the drinks on a customer.
b) Personal Response
I feel doing is wrong .
(i) Comment on his action (Inferring)
He might hit someone.
(ii) Consequence
(What we see)
If that happens, the person that got hit might get badly injured. In this case, if the person that got hit was a customer, he or she would complain and I feel that it would not do the shop any good a t all as they might have to drop their standard. Thus, it would make more customers to think to think twice about going to that stall.
(iii) Suggestion to rectify the action
He should watch where he was going and be careful when he serves drinks.
Scenario 3 – Cause and effect
a) Describe what I see in the picture
A man who owns the prawn noodle opposite the Chicken rice stall. He looks very dull.
b) Personal Response
I feel that he is not very happy he is not receiving any customers to eat his food.
(ii) Consequence
(What we see)
If that happens, he would not be able to earn any money to support his family.
I think that the food that he gives to the first few customers must have tasted awful.
(iii) Suggestion to rectify the action
He should try more receipts to make his food taste better. That way, he would attract more customers.
Scenario 4 –Normal
a) Describe what I see in the picture
I see a normal family sitting at a table and enjoying their food.
b) Personal Response
I feel doing is wrong as he might hit someone.

They seem to be enjoying the food very much as they are jovial.
At a hawker whether we are a customer or a stall owner, we should watch our safety. We can all enjoy serving or eating food after that.
Hi everyone,
This would be my second blog incase some thing happens to the other one. So pleassssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee enjoy it.